muhammad ameen’s Profile

My Courses
ENG 1133 | Specialized Communication For Technology Students | Spring 2016
“Academic as well as occupational writing such as lab reports and bids, emphasis on the documented report, summarizing material and writing letters. Written presentations frequently utilize visual aids such as graphics, maps and charts.”
MECH3510 Advanced Solid Modeling II
IND1112: Engineering Drawing I, Spring 2014
Course Website: Course Profile (this page): Time: M 10:00 – 11:40 AM, M 12:00 – 1:40 PM Room: V507A Instructor: Masato R. Nakamura (Office: V532) Description: Introduction to CAD working environment, Basic 2-D geometric construction and orthographic projections utilizing CAD systems.
English Composition I, Spring 2013 Professor Rebecca Devers
My Projects
The ePortfolio project at New York City College of Technology “City Tech” enables students to create professional websites that will contain a number of their academic examples and learning experiences.
My Clubs
muhammad ameen hasn't created or joined any clubs yet.