Mike Passarelli’s Profile

Active 6 years, 9 months ago
Mike Passarelli
Display Name
Mike Passarelli
Major Program of Study
Environmental Control Technology
Academic interests


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My Courses

LAW 2306, Legal Issues for Facilities Managers, S17

LAW 2306, Legal Issues for Facilities Managers, S17

This course addresses legal issues that affect facility management. Topics include principles of contracts, leases, service and employment agreements, purchase agreements, relevant federal and state laws, environmental and municipal regulations, liabilities of different legal entities, tort liability, media and group relations, debtor rights, business ethics and disability laws.

English 3407 Gothic Literature and Culture, S 2018

English 3407 Gothic Literature and Culture, S 2018

Gothic Literature and Visual Culture

ENG1121, Section D421: English Composition, SP2016

ENG1121, Section D421: English Composition, SP2016

An encounter is a meeting, often unexpected and with surprising consequences. In this class, we will read, discuss, and write about stories of encounter. Simultaneously, we will also keep up with current events, problems, and conversations in the news and make connections between these and our literary readings. While one of the primary purposes of this class is to improve your reading and writing skills, it’s other major purpose is to expand your sense of the world, its communities, and to help you become better citizens. It is a requirement for this class that you approach all readings and assignments with a sense of openness and wonder.

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