Marcelo Soria’s Profile

Active 3 years, 2 months ago
1 to 4 (of 4)

BIO1101 OL02 Spring 2021

Shahnewaz Rahim

Life’s origins, the Earth, and Us Eng1101 and Bio1101 combination course approaches the basic skills and conventions of college composition by way of contemporary issues in biology. By reading, discussing, r […]

English 2190

English 2190

Caroline Chamberlin Hellman
English 2190|Spring 2021

Expressions of Identity: Gender/ Ethnicity/ Sexuality & Space

ENG2001 Intro to Fiction, FA2018

ENG2001 Intro to Fiction, FA2018

Rebecca Mazumdar
English|ENG 2001|Fall 2018

An introduction to literature, focusing on fiction (short stories, graphic narratives, and novels).

Physical Geography, Geog 1101, Spring 2018

Physical Geography, Geog 1101, Spring 2018

Laura Pangallozzi, PhD
Social Science|GEOG1101|Spring 2018

A survey of key elements of physical geography presented in the context of human activity and its relation to the physical world. Topics include world surface features, climate and weather, the seas, and natural resources.