Muhammad Qureshi’s Profile

Active 2 years, 1 months ago
Muhammad Qureshi
Display Name
Muhammad Qureshi
Major Program of Study
Computer Engineering Technology
Academic interests

Computer Science

My Courses

HIS1111 US History after 1865 Spring 2020

HIS1111 US History after 1865 Spring 2020

This course will acquaint students with the major debates, issues and problems in U.S. history since the end of the Civil War. Topics included Reconstruction, immigration; progressive reform; women’s suffrage; the rise of consumer society; labor movements and radicalism; the Great Depression; World War II; the Cold War; the civil rights movement; Vietnam and the counterculture of the 1960s.



This is a course in language, culture and society. It is an online course, held in asynchronous mode. There will be no face to face meetings.

CST 2410 – Introduction to Computer Security

CST 2410 – Introduction to Computer Security

This course is an introduction to security issues facing computer professionals today. Students will acquire the knowledge and skills on how to maintain the integrity, authenticity, availability and privacy of data. It covers computer viruses, authentication models, certificates, group policy, cryptography, and access control. It also introduces the fundamental security issues of programming, database and web server. Other topics include how to monitor the system for suspicious activity and fend off attacks, to keep spies and Spam out of the e-mail, to take control of security by encrypting data, to design Active directory, blocking ports, and locking down the registry.

CST 2410: Introduction to Computer Security

CST 2410: Introduction to Computer Security

This course is an introduction to security issues facing computer professionals today. Students will acquire the knowledge and skills on how to maintain the integrity, authenticity, availability and privacy of data. It covers computer viruses, authentication models, certificates, group policy, cryptography, and access control. It also introduces the fundamental security issues of programming, database and web server. Other topics include how to monitor the system for suspicious activity and fend off attacks, to keep spies and Spam out of the e-mail, to take control of security by encrypting data, to design Active directory, blocking ports, and locking down the registry.

ENGD434, ENGD466, ENGD484, Comp 2, FA2019

ENGD434, ENGD466, ENGD484, Comp 2, FA2019

This class aims to build upon your skills as a writer, reader, thinker, research, and composer in a 21st century context. The class will practice close reading and will learn how to approach, read, think about, and compose texts from a variety of genres. We will also critically engage what it means to write about, within, and through community. The class will involve assignments that allow us to engage with many types of media and we will explore issues and problems that matter to us in our modern world. We will be able to develop our own ideas about writing that we can take with us into future academic and professional experiences. Students will engage in class discussion to strengthen critical thinking and develop the language to respond to a wide variety of texts, ideas, and societal issues. Above all, we will apply critical thinking to all of the various texts that we read, write, and compose.

My Projects

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My Clubs

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