Mimi’s Profile

Active 6 years, 10 months ago
Display Name
Major Program of Study
Hospitality Management
Academic interests

Culinary Arts


My name is Michelle but you can call me Mimi. I’m the mother of two beautiful children, a boy and a girl. I am a Hospitality Management major looking to pursue a career as an Executive Chef/ Baker. In my spear time I love to spend time with my beloved family and of course challenging myself in the kitchen, with some new recipes with my very own little twist. I would say that I am a loving, humble and determined individual who will stop at nothing when it comes to doing what I love most “Cooking & Baking”

My Courses

HMGT 3502 Hospitality Management Research Seminar

HMGT 3502 Hospitality Management Research Seminar

Hospitality Management Research Seminar

HMGT 4702 Hospitality Services Marketing Management

HMGT 4702 Hospitality Services Marketing Management

Hospitality Services Markaeting Management

HMGT4977 Candies and Bon Bons

HMGT4977 Candies and Bon Bons

In this elective Hospitality Management course, students learn to prepare many styles of candies and bonbons working with advanced confectionery techniques. Although our goal is to produce candies, students learn how they can be applied to plated dessert components. Packaging is an important focus in this class since marketing is a big sales winner.



Procedural, customer and staff perspectives involved in the provision of quality service as practiced in a dining room laboratory. Student rotation through dining room service positions with emphasis on responsibilities of planning, producing and evaluating service. Practice of proper safety and sanitation methods. Critique of restaurant service.

My Projects

Concierge Marketing Assignment/Downtown Manhattan

Concierge Marketing Assignment/Downtown Manhattan

Concierge Marketing Assignment/Downtown Manhattan

My Clubs

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Mimi's Friends

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