Mohi Uddin’s Profile

Active 3 years ago
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Prof. James Wu_8:30_Eng1121_D399_Spring2020

James Wu
Eng 1121|Spring 2020

This course builds on its prerequisite, ENG 1101. Together, we will explore and write within new genres, conduct research, and reflect on our writing practices. The big goal is that after you finish this sequence, […]

ENG1101Section305, Fall 2019

Sarah Schmerler
1101|Fall 2019

We make ideas concrete. In order to do that, we first accept that writing is a process — an act in which we will participate our whole life long. Music, art, electronics, engineering — you name it — whatever we […]

ENG2575 Tech Writing, SU2021

Jacquelyn Blain
ENG 2575|Summer 2021

An advanced course in effective technical writing techniques, including traditional technical writing forms and internet communication.