Mohammed Abubakar’s Profile

Active 10 years, 5 months ago
1 to 3 (of 3)

Math 2680 Differential Equations, Spring 2014

Suman Ganguli
Mathematics|MAT2680|Spring 2014

An introduction to differential equations, with an emphasis on analytical methods for solving ODEs.

Child Psychology Spring 2014

Pa Her
Social Science|2301|Spring 2014

This hybrid will provide an overview of the basic principles in development from prenatal to adolescent. We will review trends in contemporary research on physical, intellectual, emotional, and social development […]

CET4773 Microcomputer Interfacing – Spring 2014

Dr. Benito Mendoza
Computer Engine...|CET4773|Spring 2014

This course covers electronic interfacing technologies and techniques required to connect computers to internal and external systems and other computers and components. Topics include Local Area Networks (LAN) and […]