Mohamad’s Profile

Active 3 years, 5 months ago
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TUE_SBS2000 Research Methods, FALL2015 SecD942

Sean MacDonald, Pa Her
Social Science|SBS2000|Fall 2015

An introduction to the research methodologies utilized in the social and behavioral sciences, beginning with the fundamentals of research design, through data collection, analysis, interpretation, and the final […]

COMD 4900–Communication Design Internship Mason

Joel Mason
Communication D...|COMD 4900|Fall 2015

Assignment to fieldwork/study situations of approximately eight hours per week at an internship site approved by the internship instructor.: an advertising agency; broadcast design company; graphic design firm; […]

ENG 2420: Science Fiction

Prof. Gold
English|ENG 2420|Spring 2014

Exploring past visions of future worlds