Miriam Hahn’s Profile

Active 2 days, 19 hours ago
1 to 8 (of 8)
DEN 2300/2400 Fall 2024-Spring 2025

DEN 2300/2400 Fall 2024-Spring 2025

Dora-Ann Oddo

Advanced didactic material and clinical experience. The instructor serves as a group facilitator who assists the student in developing an appreciation for the concepts, topics and procedures related to the clinical […]



Ivana Radivojevic Jovanovic

Principles of Chemistry Lab- This laboratory course is a co-requisite for Principles of Chemistry Lecture. One three hour laboratory meeting per week and a total of 15 meetings per semester.

DEN 2318 Dental Materials Fall 2024

The study of sources, physical and chemical characteristics of materials used in dentistry. To acquaint the student with the chemical and physical properties of those dental materials and devices which are most […]

My Final Reflection

My Final Reflection

Miriam Hahn

My last assignment was to write a final reflection on how I think my semester went. Also, to write what I learned about myself as a writer and reader. I added three quotes to my writing to demonstrate my mistakes […]

Unit 3- New Genre

Unit 3- New Genre

Miriam Hahn

In this project, I was told to use the information I gathered in my annotated bibliography and portray it in a genre of my choice that I felt would best explain the information to the audience I am trying to reach.

Time Capsule

Time Capsule

Miriam Hahn

In this assignment, I was told at the beginning of my semester to write a time capsule for myself, to read at the end of the semester. In the files, you will find the time capsule I wrote to myself along with a […]

Unit 2- Annotated Bibliography

Unit 2- Annotated Bibliography

Miriam Hahn

In this project, I was assigned to write an annotated bibliography on a topic I had an interest in and wanted to know more about.

Unit 1- Education Narrative

Unit 1- Education Narrative

Miriam Hahn

In my English class, the assignment given was to write what best explains education to me and what experience shaped me into defining education this way.