Mike Solache’s Profile

Active 1 years, 4 months ago
1 to 3 (of 3)

ENT 4499 Culmination Project FA 2022 – SP 2023

Ryoya Terao
ENT 4499|Fall 2022

The senior thesis project, utilizing skills in an innovative way to develop a project that relates to the entertainment industry. Projects are developed through courses in the entertainment technology and/or […]


Professor Maller

Astronomical history is presented including an introduction to the mechanics and optics of Galileo and Newton. Radiation laws and astronomical tools including the telescope are considered. The solar system is […]

ENG 2400 Films from Literature Spring 2023

ENG 2400 Films from Literature Spring 2023

Prof. Masiello
ENG 2400|Spring 2023

This course examines the ways and reasons that film versions of written stories differ from their sources.