MariaBaraybar’s Profile

Active 12 years ago
Display Name
Major Program of Study

My Courses

Microbiology 3302 Lab

Microbiology 3302 Lab

Course that teaches the fundamentals of microbiology from basic staining and culturing to the microbiology of the body and it’s systems.

Anatomy & Physiology I

Anatomy & Physiology I

This is the first part of a two semester course. It covers the anatomy and physiology of the cell, tissues, skeletal, muscular and nervous systems. Prerequisites: BIO 1101, College-level general biology course with lab or a score of 85 or above on the New York State Regent’s exam and CUNY proficiency in reading and writing

My Projects

MariaBaraybar hasn't created or joined any projects yet.

My Clubs

Chemistry Department

Chemistry Department

The Chemistry Department Open Lab site was designed to be a resource for students. It includes information regarding the Chemistry Club, News and Events in the Chemistry Department, Information on Tutoring, Scholarships, Research and Internships. Please send us a request for membership to join the website.

MariaBaraybar's Friends

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