Millz’s Profile

Active 12 years ago
Display Name
Major Program of Study
Restorative Dentistry

My Courses

RESD Complete Dentures I

RESD Complete Dentures I

Complete Denture I is an introduction to basic techniques of full denture construction. This course will include anatomical terminology as it relates to full denture construction, fabricating of custom impression trays, constructing baseplates and occlusal rims, articulating casts, set-up of maxillary and mandibular opposing wax trial dentures using anatomical artificial teeth, festooning and contouring of full wax trial denture bases.

My Projects

Milana Faylayev ePortfolio

Milana Faylayev ePortfolio

Hello my name is Milana Faylayev and i am 23 years Old , I have been in college for 6 years now, and if your wondering why i been in school for so long and dont have a career yet, well the answer to your question is i was in the Law field before and just got really tired of writing essays, so i decided to choose a different major that won’t take up anymore of my time and something that has hands on training. Im a very fast learner, i love to get to know and socialize with people, very determined, and the list just goes on and on ;.) .This is my first Semester in Restorative Dentistry, seemed very interesting because i work as a Dental Assistant for a Oral Surgeon and i find teeth very fascinating, so i decided if i cant extract teeth why not make it for people in order for them to have nice and beautiful smiles. Just like myself ;.).

My Clubs

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