meryem’s Profile
MAT 1630 Introduction to Computational Science, FA2019
A project-based introduction to computational thinking and problem solving. Covers a wide range of topics, including data visualization, statistical techniques, simulations of dynamical systems, computational […]
MAT 3772 Stochastic Models, Fall 2019
The use of discrete and continuous distributions to construct deterministic and stochastic simulation models. Stochastic simulations may include Markov Processes, M/G/1 Queuing Systems, Monte Carlo Simulation […]
ENG1121 E105 + E120 Composition II, Spring 2018
English 1121: Composition II, Sections E105 and E120, Spring 2018, Instructed by Holly Melgard
- OpenOpen
MEDU1010 Foundations of Math Ed, FA2017
This course examines the historical, philosophical, and sociological foundations underlying the development of American educational institutions. The role of the schools, the aims of education, diverse learners, […]