Mohamed elaryan’s Profile

Active 8 years, 6 months ago
Mohamed elaryan
Display Name
Mohamed elaryan
Major Program of Study
Electrical and Telecommunications Engineering Technology

My Courses

ENG1121, E115, Spring 2016

ENG1121, E115, Spring 2016

In ENG1121, we will explore four writing tasks – summary, critical reading/critique, synthesis, and research. Our semester will be divided into six units of focused study: • unit 1: annotation, MLA citation, best practices • unit 2: academic essays • unit 3: literary fiction • unit 4: periodical publications • unit 5: research project • unit 6: final portfolio Units 2 through 4 will require preparation of short response papers that reflect an understanding of one or more of our writing tasks. Unit 5 will culminate in a research paper that links something from the past with something from the present, and unit 6 will result in the creation of a final portfolio containing revisions and evidence of self-reflection.

ENG2575 Technical Writing, FA2016

ENG2575 Technical Writing, FA2016

Technical Writing is about managing complexity. It is about providing the right information, in the right way, for the right audience. It is about communicating technical ideas using sound rhetorical choices and synergistic modalities (e.g., WOVEN, or written, oral, visual, electronic, and nonverbal). Also, technical communication depends on professionalism and ethical considerations. In this class, you will learn and practice all of these things as well as gain advice about how to leverage what you know to excel in your career field by demonstrating how much more you can do and how much more value you bring to your business by developing these skills and creating a portfolio of documents that demonstrate what you have learned.

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