MZhu’s Profile
![MZhu]( )
My name is Mei Dan ZhuThroughout my academic career, my goal is to learn all of the essentials in preparing for future jobs in this field. Hopefully what I learn in class will help me stand out against many others that are in graphic communications.
My Courses
COMD3523 Storyboard Concepts, FALL 2016
The storyboard is the visual version of the script. It consists of a number of panels that show the visual action of a sequence in a logical narrative. The storyboard is used as a tool for production or to assist in the selling of ideas to clients. The emphasis in this class is on story, idea and development. Students will design and present storyboards for topics including commercials, film and television titles and video presentations.
COMD3503 Fall2015 Topics in Graphic Design
Explores the role of graphic designer in contemporary visual communications with related design assignments and research. Graphic design trends; the impact of computer technology; examination of the work of major 20th century designers; global graphics; the ongoing dialogue between advertising and graphic design. A large emphasis will be placed on awareness of the design world by observing the principles of design in our community: books, publications, web sources, museums and graphic art organizations. Students are expected to gather reference materials for all their projects and are encouraged to use the library resources.
COMD4900_D298 Internship SPR2016 Goetz
Assignment to find fieldwork/study situations of approximately eight hours per week at an internship site approved by the Department Internship instructor such as an advertising agency, graphic design firm, corporate design office, publications art department, photography or illustration studio, TV or multimedia production company. Students will be required to keep a learning journal of their internship in the form of a blog using Openlab. A portion of the class will be devoted to presenting and sharing experiences with classmates. Students will learn how to assess their talents, update their resume, and promote themselves and their work through social networks. Students will be required to setup and maintain at least two social media networks such as: Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest.
Design superstars at Citytech learning how to use Typography to create effective design and communications
Working individually or in teams, students consult with a variety of clients on the design and production of a range of print and digital media including logos, posters, web sites, advertising campaigns, brochures and other promotional materials. Students are responsible for collecting research, conducting meetings, making presentations and following client guidelines. The role of deadlines and budgets is stressed. Students are expected to be involved in all phases of production.
My Projects
PORTFOLIO COMD 4801-D284 Fall 2016
Company Research of the PORTFOLIO Cohort
My Clubs
MZhu hasn't created or joined any clubs yet.