MDiaz’s Profile

Active 5 months, 1 weeks ago
Display Name
Assistant Professor
Human Services
Office Location
Namm 401
Academic interests

Social Work, Mental Health, Education, Health Disparities, Child and Adolescent Issues, Narrative Approaches


Mery Diaz is an Assistant Professor in the Health and Human Services Department at New York City College of Technology. Dr. Diaz has worked as a clinical social worker with children and adolescents in a variety of mental health settings. She has worked in non profit settings and as a consultant in New York City public schools . Dr. Diaz has published in several journals and her research interest include: school social work; school-based mental health; social work education; child and adolescent mental health; urban education; narrative approaches: social justice movements; Latina feminist pedagogy and discourse.

Email address

My Courses

HUS and ENG FYLC, FA2021

HUS and ENG FYLC, FA2021

This is the First Year Learning Community bringing together HUS 1101 and ENG 1101 in Fall 2021. HUS 1101, Introduction to Human Services: ENG 1101, English Composition 1, is a course in effective essay writing and basic research techniques, including use of the library. College-level readings are assigned for class-wide discussion and as a basis for writing projects. Avatar: Fluid Painting 79 Acrylic On Canvas (2013; Mark Chadwick, artist)

HUS/ENG 1101, Becoming Agents of Change, Fall 2017

HUS/ENG 1101, Becoming Agents of Change, Fall 2017

Becoming Agents of Change: A Human Services 1101 and English 1101 Learning Community: In this Learning Community, we will investigate what it means to be an agent of change. By identifying the one social issue that you are most passionate about, you will explore what about your experiences make you interested in this issue, what your current role is in relation to this problem, and what you can do now and in the future to solve this problem.



This course will explore the various critical health and safety issues and problems affecting children and adolescents. Areas to be explored will include nutrition, personal hygiene, medical care, first aid and safety, CPR, mental health, HIV and AIDS, sexually transmitted diseases, chronic and communicable diseases, sexuality and birth control.



There are many problems that impact the human condition. Inequality, poverty, oppression, and marginalization may seem insurmountable, and while there is still much work to do, history tells us that we have made great strides. In this learning community, we reflect on past, present, and future changemakers. Through the stories of influential figures who have or are working to resolve social problems, we will learn about the development of the human services field and changes that have taken place over time in an attempt to respond to human need. You will also develop your own changemaker autobiography, identifying a social problem you want to learn more about and explore organizations already involved in addressing the issue.

Stories of Service

Stories of Service

A Human Services 1101 and English 1101 Learning Community: What events in your life led you to be interested in human services? How do you see yourself as a helper? Just as your unique circumstances and experiences have caused you to be the person you are today, so has service delivery developed over time. In this learning community, we will be exploring the history, role, and characteristics of service. Through writing your stories– narration, description, definition, cause and effect– you will also be exploring who you are in relationship to service and your community.

My Projects

Office of the Provost

Office of the Provost

City Tech’s Source for Academic Affairs Information

City Tech HSI Committee

City Tech HSI Committee

This is the web page of the City Tech HSI Committee. City Tech is a Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI), we are committed to helping Students, Faculty, Staff to excel in their careers. Our goal is creating awareness and providing access to resources and opportunities available for members of HSIs. We add to efforts of the City Tech Administration and other committees and partners to make our college a place where Hispanics and other underrepresented groups can flourish. Please, visit the web page to know more about the HSI Committee activities. Please use the below link toward donations in support of the Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI) Steering Committee at City Tech. Donations may be made on a one-time basis or with a monthly contribution plan. HSI CUNY Tuesday Page: Resources for undocumented students: -Scholarships for Undocumented Students: -CUNY-NYCCT Immigrant Success Liaison at City Tech: Gabriella Collantes-Woods 300 Jay Street, NAMM Building Room 424

City Tech Girlhood Studies

City Tech Girlhood Studies

Girl Studies at City Tech is made possible by a grant awarded by the CUNY Black, Race, and Ethnic Studies Initiative (BRESI) supported by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.

City Tech CREAR Futuros

City Tech CREAR Futuros

A postsecondary degree is increasingly necessary in the global economy, but only 15% of NYC Latino students are graduating from high school “college ready”. In order to improve these rates, Hispanic Federation (HF) and the City University of New York (CUNY) are launching CREAR Futuros to bring increased attention and resources to improving educational achievement and economic opportunity for Latinos.

FYLC – First Year Learning Communities

FYLC – First Year Learning Communities

Welcome to the First Year Learning Communities Open Lab project page. If you are interested in joining the Reflective Writing Project or just learning more about events, resources and information related to the FYLCs at City Tech please request membership!

My Clubs

Human Services Club

Human Services Club

The Human Service Club, is a great way to network, help others, be an activist, and gain experience in the human service field.