Michelle Capobianco’s Profile
My Courses
COMD 3530 Advanced Photography Studio
This course will explore studio photography as a means to communicate ideas. Students will learn to use lighting to transform subject matter into metaphor, mood and meaning as well as how to develop visual coherence within a group of images. Students will develop portfolio level projects that display conceptual thinking and mastery of the craft of photography.
The role of the designer in the graphic communication process. In-depth exploration of identity programs. Design projects with multiple components, presentation and design practice, preparation of finished artwork using software such as InDesign, Illustrator and the Adobe Creative Suite.
COMD 2427 Typographic Design lll, Spring 2017
This course addresses the advanced creative and comprehensive study of typographic design principles. Exercises include consideration of hierarchy and design with intensive use of body copy to explore multiple columns and grids and multiple page applications, in the design of table, book, poster, web and motion graphics. Lessons include modes of production, font management and electronic file preparation.
This course explores research and documentation for all media formats including text, images, sound, and multimedia. Students will explore information issues, especially in terms of their relevance today: how information is produced and organized in both traditional and emerging media, how information access is affected by political, economic and cultural factors, and the ethics of information use. Students will also acquire the practical skills of locating information sources in a variety of media and formats, critical evaluation of sources, and documentation and citation of traditional and emerging media and technologies. Students will apply what they learn to create and present research and documentation projects.
Graphic Principles 1 ADV 1100 Fall 2014
This hands on mixed media course explores the basic principles of design and develops fluency in the visual lexicon.
My Projects
Using a Citi Bike in New York City
This project aims to describe all aspects of using a Citi Bike in New York City.
My Clubs
Michelle Capobianco hasn't created or joined any clubs yet.