mbiehl’s Profile

Active 1 weeks, 3 days ago
1 to 10 (of 10)
Office of the Provost

Office of the Provost

Kim Cardascia

City Tech’s Source for Academic Affairs Information

Faculty Publication Support Workshop Series

Monica Berger

A joint initiative of the Faculty Commons and the Library’s Scholarly Communications Committee, this workshop series supports City Tech faculty in their scholarship and publishing.

City Tech’s COACHE Task Force

Faculty Commons

COACHE, based at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, is a consortium of institutional leaders working to improve outcomes in faculty recruitment, development, and retention. COACHE developed and administers […]

OpenLab Committee

OpenLab Committee

Jenna Spevack, Jody R. Rosen, Charlie Edwards, Jonas Reitz, Bree Zuckerman

A private working space for the OpenLab Committee.

Grace Gallery

Sara Gómez Woolley, Jenna Spevack, tgoetz

Grace Gallery is located on the 11th floor of Namm at the New York City College of Technology – City Tech. The project site hosts a calendar of upcoming exhibitions, event listings, BFA Show submission forms, and more!

COMD 4701 Design Team

Faculty Commons

Welcome to the COMD 4701 Design Team OpenLab project page. This site showcases Commencement and Honors Convocation Cover Designs Submissions.

COMD Curriculum Committee

COMD Curriculum Committee

Jenna Spevack

A place for COMD Department Curriculum Committee members to communicate, link to meeting agendas, minutes, and proposed curriculum, and share resources and ideas.

COMD Course Descriptions Sub-Committee

COMD Course Descriptions Sub-Committee

Jenna Spevack

A place for COMD Department Course Descriptions Sub-Committee members to communicate, link to meeting agendas, minutes, and proposed curriculum, and share resources and ideas.

Commencement  COMD 4701

Commencement COMD 4701

Each student was asked to create a cover for Commencement & Honors with the appropriate text and logos.

Digital Pathways Management

Digital Pathways Management

This is a private collaboration space for members of the Digital Pathways management team. Digital Pathways is a project funded by the U.S. Department of Education’s Supporting Hispanic-Serving Institutions Title I […]