mbiehl’s Profile
Faculty Publication Support Workshop Series
A joint initiative of the Faculty Commons and the Library’s Scholarly Communications Committee, this workshop series supports City Tech faculty in their scholarship and publishing.
- OpenOpen
COACHE, based at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, is a consortium of institutional leaders working to improve outcomes in faculty recruitment, development, and retention. COACHE developed and administers […]
- OpenOpen
- CloneableCloneable
A private working space for the OpenLab Committee.
Grace Gallery is located on the 11th floor of Namm at the New York City College of Technology – City Tech. The project site hosts a calendar of upcoming exhibitions, event listings, BFA Show submission forms, and more!
- OpenOpen
Welcome to the COMD 4701 Design Team OpenLab project page. This site showcases Commencement and Honors Convocation Cover Designs Submissions.
- OpenOpen
A place for COMD Department Curriculum Committee members to communicate, link to meeting agendas, minutes, and proposed curriculum, and share resources and ideas.
COMD Course Descriptions Sub-Committee
A place for COMD Department Course Descriptions Sub-Committee members to communicate, link to meeting agendas, minutes, and proposed curriculum, and share resources and ideas.
Each student was asked to create a cover for Commencement & Honors with the appropriate text and logos.
- OpenOpen
This is a private collaboration space for members of the Digital Pathways management team. Digital Pathways is a project funded by the U.S. Department of Education’s Supporting Hispanic-Serving Institutions Title I […]