MattC’s Profile

Active 3 years, 9 months ago
Display Name
Major Program of Study
Communication Design
Academic interests

Graphic Design, Art


I am currently pursuing a BFA degree and throughout these years I plan on consuming as much knowledge as I can on designing. Most importantly I would like to better my skills and hopefully master the art of communicating visually. I have been working on photoshop and similar editing programs for around 5 years. I am a late novice in Premiere Pro and After Effects. I love photo bashing, photomanipulation and I am entering the world of drawing which is very tedious. I have done work for rappers/ hip hop artists and also small brands.
Here is where you can find my current work that I come up with in my free time:
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At some point I will create a website that adheres to my work

My Courses

ENG1101-C/D405(M) English Composition I-Clarke, Fall 2019

ENG1101-C/D405(M) English Composition I-Clarke, Fall 2019

English 1101 is the introductory college composition course. Its goal is to develop your reading, writing, and analytical skills while fostering awareness of your own discursive practices. By reflecting critically on literacy practices and engaging in your own, you will become more nuanced practitioners of language. You will begin the course by writing literacy narratives that focus on such concerns as language diversity, orality, and language and technology. While academic discourse is important in this course, the primary emphasis is on your ability to negotiate multiple contexts and writing situations rather than becoming familiar with only academic language. Prerequisite: CUNY proficiency in reading and writing.

Graphic Design Principles 2 spring 2020

Graphic Design Principles 2 spring 2020

This course explores creative visual thinking and its importance to communication design. Students will experiment with image-making techniques and learn to use graphic elements to communicate concepts and ideas.

COMD1112 OL09 Digital Media Foundations Goetz

COMD1112 OL09 Digital Media Foundations Goetz

This openly available model course contains course information, learning outcomes, suggested weekly topics and projects, video resources, quizzes, and more. It may be cloned and adapted by any faculty member teaching this course.



The purpose of this course is to begin to introduce you to the power of “conceptual thinking”. Developing advertising concepts through critical thinking (strategy statements), thumbnails second (the discovery process) and working toward finished digital comps will be the emphasis of this class. We will begin with simple problem solving and, depending on class progress, work toward more sophisticated branding projects. Through multiple client assignments, you will begin the know and understand that your first solution is not necessarily your best solution. Throughout the semester, every attempt will be made to show you award winning exemplary advertising.

ENG1121 SP2020

ENG1121 SP2020

ENG1121 is a first year writing, literature-based composition course.

My Projects

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