Matt Gaffney’s Profile

Active 6 years, 4 months ago
Matt Gaffney
Display Name
Matt Gaffney
Major Program of Study
Career and Technology Teacher Education
Academic interests

Technology, Engineering, Design, Curriculum development, Special Education topics, Politics of Education.


I Graduated from the University at Albany with a degree in art and Psychology in 1997. I then moved to NYC and worked in the photo industry as a photographer and producer. After several years I transitioned to working as a carpenter and cabinet maker. From there I enrolled at City Tech and after a few years I earned my teaching license for CTE Carpentry and I now work as a carpentry teacher at The School for Cooperative Technical Education. Currently I am continuing with my education at City Tech so that I can also earn my teaching license in Technology Education so that I can diversify my resume.

My Courses

Computers in Education-Spring 2015

Computers in Education-Spring 2015

A hands-on computing literacy course on how microcomputers can improve teaching and learning environments. Emphasis is placed on the process of planning, designing and implementing pedagogical techniques that best facilitate student learning. Topics include word processing, spreadsheet and database management systems, interactive multimedia software, Internet and World Wide Web.

EDU3410 Tech Ed Foundations & Curriculum Dev, SP2015

EDU3410 Tech Ed Foundations & Curriculum Dev, SP2015

A study of the development of technology education, its aims and objectives. Analysis of the technology education curriculum, instructional resources, facilities, management, maintenance, safety, and daily routines. Emphasis on New York State Learning Standards for Mathematics, Science, and Technology as a source of content.

EDU4480 Principles of Engineering, FA2013

EDU4480 Principles of Engineering, FA2013

Engineering disciples presentation

My Projects

Materials Engineering

Materials Engineering

Presentation of Materials Engineers 1. An overview of Materials Engineering 2. What these engineers do. 3. How materials engineers are creating the future.

My Clubs

Matt Gaffney hasn't created or joined any clubs yet.