Hernan Marquez’s Profile

Active 2 years, 8 months ago
Hernan Marquez
Display Name
Hernan Marquez
Major Program of Study
Liberal Arts & Sciences

My Courses

SPA 3301 – Survey of Early Spanish Literature, Spring 2022

SPA 3301 – Survey of Early Spanish Literature, Spring 2022

This course is intended for students with an advanced level of proficiency in Spanish. It covers a selection of works of Spanish literature (poetry, prose, drama) from the Middle-Ages to the end of the 18th century. Students are introduced to techniques of critical literary analysis. Class activities include group discussions, reading, and written assignments. Conducted in Spanish.

ENG 1141: Intro to Creative Writing, Fall 2020

ENG 1141: Intro to Creative Writing, Fall 2020

This introductory course in creative writing includes exercises to identify and engage your creative voice, discussions of craft and technique, readings aimed to build critical reading and workshopping skills, and discussion of language and style.

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