Marcos’s Profile

My Courses
LIB1201 Research & Documentation for the Information Age D950
This course explores research and documentation for all media formats including text, images, sound, and multimedia. Students will explore information issues, especially in terms of their relevance today: how information is produced and organized in both traditional and emerging media, how information access is affected by political, economic and cultural factors, and the ethics of information use. Students will also acquire the practical skills of locating information sources in a variety of media and formats, critical evaluation of sources, and documentation and citation of traditional and emerging media and technologies. Students will apply what they learn to create and present research and documentation projects.
ENT 4499 Culmination Project (Monday)
This course serves as the senior thesis project. The student will utilize his/her skills in a new and innovative way to develop a project that relates to or has an impact on the entertainment industry. Projects may be developed through courses in the entertainment technology and/or emerging media technology programs. All projects must be approved by the advisor and should demonstrate management, technical design and presentation skills. Documentation of planning, design and realization will be presented to a committee of instructors, both in entertainment technology and related disciplines, as well as to industry professionals; all are to be selected by the students and approved by the advisor. Though students will enroll in the course during their senior year, development of the project should begin during the second semester of the junior year.
My Projects
Group 3 : Final Project – Research Tool
A game that assists students with different styles of research paper. Helps with correct citation formats. Practice questions offer points that may be redeemed at the campus for various things such as cup of coffee, free copies or maybe a sweatshirt.
My Clubs
Marcos hasn't created or joined any clubs yet.