LRicknauth’s Profile

Active 12 years, 4 months ago
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Tooth Morphology

Tooth Mor­phol­ogy

Hello All, You are cur­rently em­barked on an ex­cit­ing world of Restora­tive Den­tistry. Your knowl­edge, skills and cre­ative abil­i­ties are able to change peo­ple’s lives. It all be­gins with tooth mor­phol­ogy, which is the study of form and func­tion. Through­out time teeth evolved to have the shape and func­tion we see today. Each com­po­nent of every tooth, from erup­tion dur­ing child­hood to per­ma­nent adult teeth has a spe­cific func­tion or task. The Cen­tral and lat­eral In­cisors are the teeth de­signed to cut or shear our food while our cus­pids also known as Ca­nines are geared for grab­bing and tear­ing food. The pos­te­rior teeth have a wider oc­clusal table and not as sharp cusps which are de­signed to crush and grind our food mak­ing food eas­ier to di­gest. So as you can see form and shape has been de­signed slowly through­out time to func­tion in a pre­cise way to fa­cil­i­tate di­ges­tion of food. Teeth have an aes­thetic com­po­nent to form. We are all aware of how a healthy beau­ti­ful smile is the trade­mark that has made so many ac­tors and mod­els who they are. Julia Roberts comes to mind when think­ing of the power of a smile. Peo­ple psy­chol­ogy and self-es­teem many times is linked to their smiles. So many times I heard pa­tients tell me that they al­ways cov­ered their smiles due to the way they looked. Now, how­ever with a new smile they feel a sense of re­birth and re­ju­ve­na­tion they never ex­pe­ri­enced be­fore. It is one of the most re­ward­ing el­e­ments a restora­tive den­tistry tech­ni­cian can have.

Complete Dentures RESD 2311

Com­plete Den­tures RESD 2311

A study of the prin­ci­ples and pro­ce­dures of con­struct­ing a max­il­lary im­me­di­ate den­ture and a sur­gi­cal tem­plate. Also fab­ri­cat­ing a Hader Bar and clips for an over­den­ture mandibu­lar den­ture com­pleted.

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Student Government Association

Stu­dent Gov­ern­ment As­so­ci­a­tion

The Stu­dent Gov­ern­ment As­so­ci­a­tion is the rep­re­sen­ta­tive body for stu­dents. We are re­spon­si­ble for rec­om­mend­ing stu­dent ac­tiv­ity fee al­lo­ca­tions, shap­ing poli­cies af­fect­ing stu­dent life, co­or­di­nat­ing ex­tracur­ric­u­lar events and char­ter­ing new or­ga­ni­za­tions. Feel free to con­tact SGA Pres­i­dent, Lucas Al­monte, with any ques­tions, sug­ges­tions or con­cerns. He can be reached at SGAPres­i­dent@​CityTech.​Cuny.​Edu If you wish to start a club on cam­pus con­tact SGA Vice Pres­i­dent, Syl­wester Dom­broski, at SGAVP@​CityTech.​Cuny.​Edu