Lorena Galeano’s Profile

Active 16 hours, 16 minutes ago
Lorena Galeano
Display Name
Lorena Galeano
Major Program of Study
Entertainment Technology
She/ Her

My Courses

COMD1162-E058 Raster and Vector Graphics, Sp2025

COMD1162-E058 Raster and Vec­tor Graph­ics, Sp2025

Basic con­cepts re­lated to the two fun­da­men­tal dig­i­tal graphic forms (raster and vec­tor graph­ics) and learn­ing best uses and prac­tices for each. This course cov­ers basic dig­i­tal imag­ing ter­mi­nol­ogy and tech­niques in­clud­ing size, res­o­lu­tion, color space, file el­e­ments, mea­sure­ments, file for­mats, and scan­ning soft­ware and hard­ware. Class pro­jects re­quire stu­dents to ex­plore the mean­ing of com­mu­ni­ca­tion through de­sign and how it cor­re­lates with client sat­is­fac­tion and tar­get au­di­ence. Stu­dents be­come pro­fi­cient with both raster and vec­tor ap­pli­ca­tions, such as Adobe Pho­to­shop and Adobe Il­lus­tra­tor.

COMD 2400 Spring 25

COMD 2400 Spring 25

In this course, stu­dents learn to re­fine their con­cep­tual think­ing, and the abil­ity to apply de­sign con­cepts across var­i­ous media chan­nels. This course chal­lenges stu­dents to think and strate­gi­cally apply cam­paign ideas. At this stage, stu­dents choose a media place­ment and in­cor­po­rate it into the so­lu­tion. The course also in­tro­duces the col­lab­o­ra­tive re­la­tion­ship be­tween Art Di­rec­tor and Copy­writer. Stu­dent teams brain­storm, de­velop copy, art di­rect and pitch ideas in teams. Stu­dents will ex­plore the di­a­logue be­tween prod­ucts and ser­vices and how to com­mu­ni­cate their ben­e­fits and fea­tures to the in­tended tar­get.

COMD1112, OL 08, Digital Media Foundations, Bauer, Spring2022

COMD1112, OL 08, Dig­i­tal Media Foun­da­tions, Bauer, Spring2022

This course in­tro­duces stu­dents to core con­cepts in the media field in­clud­ing color the­ory, de­sign and pro­duc­tion ter­mi­nol­ogy, re­pro­duc­tion processes, file for­mats and sub­strates. Lec­tures will pro­vide stu­dents with a his­tor­i­cal per­spec­tive of the media field as well as dis­cussing cur­rent prac­tices and fu­ture trends.

COMD1127-E038 Type & Media, Fa2022

COMD1127-E038 Type & Media, Fa2022

Foun­da­tion course in ty­pog­ra­phy with em­pha­sis on using type for a mul­ti­ple of in­dus­try re­lated ap­pli­ca­tions rang­ing from print to in­ter­ac­tive. Stu­dents are in­tro­duced to prin­ci­ples of type de­sign and ter­mi­nol­ogy in­clud­ing: vari­a­tions of type struc­ture, anatomy, font usage, grid, lead­ing, kern­ing, track­ing and align­ment.

COMD1123 Foundation Drawing, SP2022

COMD1123 Foun­da­tion Draw­ing, SP2022

An in­tro­duc­tory course de­signed to ex­plore the basic tools, tech­niques and prin­ci­ples of draw­ing. The course also cov­ers pro­jec­tion sys­tems, plans, el­e­va­tions, sec­tions, oblique, iso­met­ric, one point per­spec­tive and two point per­spec­tive views. Stu­dents learn to fur­ther ren­der forms and tex­ture through analy­sis of light and shadow and by uti­liz­ing the 5-value sys­tem. (Avatar cour­tesy of Es­mer­alda En­saldo Clara)

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