Leonardo Calegare’s Profile

Active 7 years, 7 months ago
Leonardo Calegare
Display Name
Leonardo Calegare
Major Program of Study
Law and Paralegal Studies
Academic interests


My Courses

ENG2570 E282 Writing in the Workplace, SP2017

ENG2570 E282 Writing in the Workplace, SP2017

One’s success in the workplace depends almost as much on what you know as how you communicate with others. Without the skills of writing a variety of documents, speaking confidently to an audience, and performing meaningful research that enriches your work and enables others to do their work, you will find yourself left behind while others with those so-called soft skills make strides in their own careers. This class gives you opportunities to strengthen your workplace communication skills through projects and daily writing activities. It is through doing this work over time that you develop communication acumen.

MAT 1272 Statistics, SP2014

MAT 1272 Statistics, SP2014

This course provides an introduction to statistical methods and statistical inference. Topics include descriptive statistics, random variables, distributions, sampling, estimation and inference, t-tests, chi-square tests and correlation.

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