KathyDM’s Profile

Active 6 years, 6 months ago
1 to 2 (of 2)
ENG2180 Studies in Identity and Orientation FA2017

ENG2180 Studies in Identity and Orientation FA2017

Laura Westengard
English|ENG2180|Fall 2017

Identity Intersections: Gender and Sexuality in Literature: This course provides students with an introductory understanding of identity, focusing specifically on the concepts of gender and sexuality as they […]

ENG2101BritLitII, Sp2017

ENG2101BritLitII, Sp2017

Ruth Garcia
English|ENG 2101|Spring 2017

English 2101 will introduce you to the 19th and 20th century literature of England. In this specific class we approach the literature of these periods by focusing on a few select Gothic novels, a genre that […]