Julia Chung’s Profile

Active 7 years, 10 months ago
Julia Chung
Display Name
Julia Chung
Major Program of Study
Hospitality Management

Hello, my name is Julia and I am currently studying hospitality management. I chose this major because I love to travel and bake and would love to continue learning more about it. I also like to help others. I am currently working at an afterschool.

My Courses

Mat 1475

Mat 1475

Topics in course Calculus 1 include functions, limits, differentiation, and tangent lines, L’Hôpital’s Rule, Fundamental Theorem of Calculus and Applications.

HMGT 1101 Spring 2017 Durante

HMGT 1101 Spring 2017 Durante

An overview of the history, likely directions and organizational structure of the hospitality industry and its role in local, national and global economies. Students are introduced to the nature and scope of the hospitality industry, basic terminology, management concepts, career path explorations and the department’s mission and culture.

My Projects

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My Clubs

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