Qiansu Gu’s Profile

Active 9 years, 1 months ago
Qiansu Gu
Display Name
Qiansu Gu
Major Program of Study
Hospitality Management
Academic interests

Hotel or Restaurant Manager


I graduated from James Madison High School. I want to become a general manager in some big hotel or restaurant. I used to work in some small restaurants. I learned how to deal with different people and work with my co-workers to help all costumers. I can work on something really long until I master it. I hope in the future I can use my knowledge from school or other people to help all costumer in my territory .

Joey Gu

My Courses

ENG1101-CL61 FreshmanCompFYLC, FA2015

ENG1101-CL61 FreshmanCompFYLC, FA2015

We will open our minds and explore our senses to reveal our place in the world and how our own experiences differ from those of others. Using Brooklyn as our campus, students will develop personal and career-specific skills. Classes will include on-line and in-person group discussions, written and oral communication, food tastings, field trips, and the exploration of literature.

My Projects

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My Clubs

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