Josiel’s Profile

Active 7 years, 10 months ago
1 to 5 (of 5)

MEDU 2010 Technology in Mathematics Education Fall 2016 – Poirier

Kate Poirier
Mathematics|MEDU 2010|Fall 2016

Students examine the rationale and pedagogy for the effective use of technology in the middle and high school mathematics classrooms. The technologies considered may include graphing calculators, computer algebra […]

MEDU1010 Foundations of Math Ed, FA2016

MEDU1010 Foundations of Math Ed, FA2016

K. Andrew Parker
Mathematics|MEDU 1010|Fall 2016

This course examines the historical, philosophical, and sociological foundations underlying the development of American educational institutions. The role of the schools, the aims of education, diverse learners, […]

MAT 3021 Number Theory, Fall 2016

MAT 3021 Number Theory, Fall 2016

Ariane Masuda
Mathematics|MAT 3021|Fall 2016

This course is an introduction to number theory. Topics include divisibility (division algorithm, GCD, etc), primes, congruence, the fundamental theorem of arithmetic, quadratic reciprocity, number theoretic […]

2015 Fall – MAT 2071 Proofs and Logic – Reitz

Jonas Reitz
Mathematics|MAT 2071|Fall 2015

This course is designed to prepare students for an advanced mathematics curriculum by providing a transition from Calculus to abstract mathematics. The course focuses on the processes of mathematical reasoning, […]

Not Only the Dead Know Brooklyn

Rob Ostrom
English|ENG1101|Fall 2014

English Composition I is a course in effective essay writing and basic research techniques, including use of the library. College-level readings are assigned for classroom discussion and as a basis for essay […]