Jacob Spencer Lopez’s Profile

Active 8 months, 2 weeks ago
1 to 11 (of 11)

Peer Advisement

Program to increase retention of female students in engineering technology programs.

Department of Mechanical Engineering Technology and Industrial Design Technology

Masato R. Nakamura, Eng.Sc.D.

Openlab site of the Department of Mechanical Engineering Technology and Industrial Design Technology

Environmental Control Technology Department


This is the Open Lab site for the Environmental Control Technology Department and Facilities Management Program

Building New York

J A Montgomery

This project is dedicated to students at City Tech that are interested in architecture and building construction. This blog will offer photographic captures of construction across New York City and other locations […]

33rd Semi-Annual Dr. Janet Liou-Mark Honors and Undergraduate Research Scholars Poster Presentation

Reneta D. Lansiquot-Panagiotakis

Feel free to view the work of students.

Decaying Water Infrastructure

Justin, Abigale, krysaleksiejuk, Joshua D

A resource guide for information about how water is stored and its journey to a location. This resource guide will also touch on the many issues that arise during the transportation between water supply and water consumption.

5G Health Risk

Josh Illasarie, Verneller

5g or fifth generation is the newest installment of cellular networks that will assist in faster cellular speeds has brought up serious concerns surrounding our health.

Connect Days Environmental Control Technology


Orientation for Departments

Tavern On the Green

Sammy Isaac

Redesigning the website of the famous restaurant ”Tavern On the Green” as a project of the Web design 1 class.

Brain Awareness Day 2020

Brain Awareness Day 2020


Neurological Disorders

Connect Days Mechanical Engineering Technology


Orientation for Departments