Jessica Naranjo’s Profile

Active 2 days, 5 hours ago
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SPA 3401-D332 Introduction to Modern Spanish Literature & Culture

SPA 3401-D332 Introduction to Modern Spanish Literature & Culture

Inés Corujo Martín
SPA 3401|Fall 2024

This course is intended for students with an advanced level of proficiency in Spanish. It covers a selection of works of Spanish literature (poetry, prose, drama) from the 19th century to contemporary times. […]

CMCE 1110 Construction Drawings Spring 2021

Nicole Anderson
CMCE 1110|Spring 2021

Construction Drawings as pertaining to engineering, construction management and architecture.

MAT 1375 Precalculus Spring 2024

Kate Poirier
MAT1375|Spring 2024

Topics include an in-depth study of functions such as polynomial functions, inverse functions, radical functions, rational functions, trigonometric functions, exponential and logarithmic functions; solving […]