Jeremy’s Profile

Active 4 months, 2 weeks ago
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Major Program of Study

My Courses

ENG 1121 D397 Spring 2023

ENG 1121 D397 Spring 2023

In this course you will take skills you acquired in Eng 1101 to the next level. You will enter this class alone, and leave as a part of a vibrant and lively Writing Community. The work is rigorous, unusual, challenging — and fun. You won’t look at language the same way again.

Fall 2022 1101 Co ML

Fall 2022 1101 Co ML

This is a course in effective essay writing and basic research techniques including use of the library. Readings are assigned for classroom discussion and as a basis for essay writing. Simultaneously, we will focus on language enhancement. This co-requisite focuses on reading comprehension; critical thinking; the structured writing process; rhetorical awareness, writing in diverse genres, grammar, mechanics and cross-cultural rhetoric and communication; listening and spoken communicative competence.

L 021W -45

L 021W -45

This course focuses on developing language, and academic writing and reading skills. Students will practice reading for comprehension as well as drafting, revising and summarizing skills. They will polish their grammar with a focus on creating academic level complex sentence structure while avoiding sentence fragments and run-ons. Students will work extensively on paragraph and essay organization, and on writing multiple drafts of proofread, edited and reedited essays. Research will also be an integral part of this course

My Projects

Undergraduate Research

Undergraduate Research

Realizing the value of the research experience at the undergraduate level, this project is committed to fostering research opportunities for City Tech students. Faculty and students can use this project as a place to share announcements about research opportunities, as well as a place to offer information about the experiences students and faculty have had in their research endeavors. A handbook on effective mentoring, developed by the Undergraduate Research Committee, is currently available for download.

My Clubs

Learning and Coding Python with AI!

Learning and Coding Python with AI!

Welcome to Learning and Coding Python with AI. Our club is open to everyone of all expertises in Python, preferably beginners that want to learn the ability to learn on their own! Our mission is to foster a supportive environment where members can learn, share, and collaborate on projects related to Python and AI. We plan on hosting Zoom meetings every 2 weeks (as of now) in the Spring 2024 semester at City Tech! Additionally, I want to help beginner students build their resume and how they can improve their resume for future Computer Science related opportunities! Contact the owner for more information!

Citytech E-Sports Club

Citytech E-Sports Club

The Citytech E-Sports club is a community that bring students together who have an interest in competitive gaming and gaming in general. The club aims to build a community where students can socialize, compete and express their passion for gaming and the competitive side to it. Members will be in a friendly environment where games are brought to a competitive level, being able to learn from each other, sharing strategies and developing new knowledge. The club also seeks to be able to compete at collegiate competitions at a national level. Other plans include hosting local prized gaming tournaments in the school itself. We meet every Thursday 12:45 – 2:15 PM in the Voorhees Building room V-321 Got any questions? Email us at Facebook Page: Twitter: Come join our discord :

Jeremy's Friends

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