Jenny Wang’s Profile

Active 7 years, 10 months ago
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Low Cost Digital Phone Services for Consumers 2013

Low Cost Digital Phone Services for Consumers 2013

Future Delights Blog

My name is Jenny Wang. I am currently in my sophomore year, attending New York City College of Technology. My obtaining major is graphic design. I am 19 years old on November 12 and my hobby is drawing, creating and design.

Design Your View

Design Your View

a blog about different forms of art and the techmiques used to create these forms of art for the sole purpose of educating up and coming artist on new techniques so that they can apply it to their work.

Quote design

Quote design

This quote is designed to state that there are many colors in the world but only the one you know looks good on you is the best on you. In this concept the scrambled words represents the different type of color […]

Interior design of AIGA

Interior design of AIGA

My class visited AIGA gallery and the interior design of the top floor was amazing. It use to be the roof top of AIGA but, after construction the top floor has an amazing sky view and mini bridge in the center.