Jeffrey Wong’s Profile

Active 5 years, 1 month ago
Jeffrey Wong
Display Name
Jeffrey Wong

My Courses

EL021 /D845 English For Academic Purposes

EL021 /D845 English For Academic Purposes

This is a writing intensive course for multilingual, bilingual and generation 1.5 resident writers who are preparing to take COMP 1101. The course focuses on the development of second language writing competence by espousing the process approach to writing. The course includes diverse genres and sources. The reading-writing connection is part of everyday class fabric. Global and local perspectives are examined critically with a particular value placed on the world outside of the USA looking in on the issues faced in this culture as opposed to the rest of the world.

EL022 /D863 Academic Reading Spring 2019

EL022 /D863 Academic Reading Spring 2019

This is a reading intensive course focusing on short professionally written genres from various sources including printed media, online news and visual media. Students will be writing blog responses to readings and engage in evaluative processes and global perspectives. Development of academic vocabulary and other reading tools is central to student success.

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