Joy Alessi’s Profile

Active 3 months ago
Joy Alessi
Display Name
Joy Alessi
Adjunct Assistant Professor

My Courses

City Tech 101 – Alessi – Summer 2024

City Tech 101 – Alessi – Summer 2024

This workshop focuses on helping new students transition to college life, and specifically to City Tech. The workshop will enhance the New Student Connection with additional information, activities, and various opportunities to connect with faculty, staff, and current City Tech students. In addition to learning how to access a variety of college services and resources, students will develop personalized plans for their college career.

City Tech 101 – Alessi – Summer 2023

City Tech 101 – Alessi – Summer 2023

This workshop focuses on helping new students transition to college life, and specifically to City Tech. The workshop will enhance the New Student Connection with additional information, activities, and various opportunities to connect with faculty, staff, and current City Tech students. In addition to learning how to access a variety of college services and resources, students will develop personalized plans for their college career.

City Tech 101 8 Session Model Course

City Tech 101 8 Session Model Course

This workshop focuses on helping new students transition to college life, and specifically to City Tech. The workshop will enhance the New Student Connection with additional information, activities, and various opportunities to connect with faculty, staff, and current City Tech students. In addition to learning how to access a variety of college services and resources, students will develop personalized plans for their college career.

City Tech 101 – Alessi – Summer 2022

City Tech 101 – Alessi – Summer 2022

This workshop focuses on helping new students transition to college life, and specifically to City Tech. The workshop will enhance the New Student Connection with additional information, activities, and various opportunities to connect with faculty, staff, and current City Tech students. In addition to learning how to access a variety of college services and resources, students will develop personalized plans for their college career.

My Projects

Office of the Provost

Office of the Provost

City Tech’s Source for Academic Affairs Information



This site is a space for creating and sharing H5P content that can be embedded on any OpenLab site. Avatar: “Close Colors” by goranpg is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND.

OpenLab Committee

OpenLab Committee

A private working space for the OpenLab Committee.

OpenLab OER Working Group

OpenLab OER Working Group

This group is organized through the Library’s OER program, and will explore, discuss, and spread the word about OpenLab features and functionalities.

City Tech 101 8-Session Professional Development

City Tech 101 8-Session Professional Development

This is a space for faculty members who are preparing to facilitate CT101 to work together.

My Clubs

Joy Alessi hasn't created or joined any clubs yet.