Jajaira’s Profile

Active 3 years, 3 months ago
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My Courses

ENG 1121: Writing Across Situations

ENG 1121: Writ­ing Across Sit­u­a­tions

This is the sec­ond se­mes­ter first-year writ­ing course in a two-course se­quence fo­cused on writ­ing, rhetoric, analy­sis, trans­fer, genre aware­ness, and re­search-based writ­ing.



This course fo­cuses on lit­er­a­ture, schol­arly writ­ing, and films that ex­am­ine specif­i­cally the role(s) of girls and women, both na­tion­ally and in­ter­na­tion­ally, and de­ter­mines whether women them­selves or oth­ers (ex­ter­nal forces, in­di­vid­u­als, or so­cial sys­tems) con­struct de­f­i­n­i­tions of wom­an­hood. The course uti­lizes texts, by both men and women, and ad­dresses such themes as wom­an­ism, stereo­types, fem­i­nism, vi­o­lence, pol­i­tics, in­ti­mate/fa­mil­ial re­la­tion­ships, sex, sex­u­al­ity, sex­ual ori­en­ta­tion, and pre­scribed and evolv­ing gen­der roles as they re­late to girls and women.

AFR 1321 Black Theatre Fall 2018 Mon-Wed

AFR 1321 Black The­atre Fall 2018 Mon-Wed

This in­tro­duc­tory course on African Amer­i­can dra­matic lit­er­a­ture ex­plores the com­plex ways in which the black ex­pe­ri­ence is con­structed and pre­sented by play­wrights. In order to ex­am­ine who or what in­forms con­tem­po­rary Black play­wrights, this course is di­vided into three parts. First, it will in­clude a his­tor­i­cal overview of early Black the­atre be­yond and within the United States. Sec­ond, it will an­a­lyze how con­tem­po­rary play­wrights have been in­flu­enced by Lor­raine Hans­berry, Leroi Jones, and Ntozake Shange. Third, it will con­sider the ex­tent to which con­tem­po­rary Black play­wrights use the­atre and per­for­mance to ex­am­ine the so­cial and po­lit­i­cal re­al­i­ties of Africana peo­ple. Dur­ing the se­mes­ter, stu­dents may have an op­por­tu­nity to ex­pe­ri­ence a the­atri­cal pro­duc­tion in New York City.

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