Ismail Alsarabi’s Profile

Active 11 years, 9 months ago
1 to 2 (of 2)

General Biology II: Bio1201

Prof. Marie Montes
Biological Scie...|Bio1201|Fall 2012

This course is the Lecture component of General Biology II. It focuses on the study of all organisms, with special attention to humans. During the first part of the semester we will focus in the study of […]

ENG 2000: Perspectives in Literature, Fall 2012

ENG 2000: Perspectives in Literature, Fall 2012

Rebecca Mazumdar
English|2000|Fall 2012

As you can see from the College’s description of this course, Perspectives in Literature is “A study of human values in the literature of Western Culture. Readings are organized around the great themes of lit […]