Ina’s Profile

Active 9 years, 7 months ago
1 to 4 (of 4)
ARTH 1102 History of Art: Renaissance to Modern

ARTH 1102 History of Art: Renaissance to Modern

Michael J. McAuliffe

Survey of Western Art from 1300 to the Present

TCET 4140 Telecommunications Network Management

Electrical and...|TCET 4140|Fall 2013

This course deals with the technical management of a telecommunication network, personnel tasks, staffing patterns suitable to diverse telecommunications firms and users, with an overview of the issues facing […]

Transmission Systems

Electrical and...|TCET 2220

Introduction to the analysis of microwave communications and systems. Transmission line theory, the Smith chart and mathematical analysis are incorporated. Various transmission media such as twowire, twisted […]

ARTH 1101 – History of Art: Prehistoric to Gothic

ARTH 1101 – History of Art: Prehistoric to Gothic

Michael J. McAuliffe
Humanities|Arth1101|Spring 2013

A survey of artistic production and development from the Prehistoric era to the Medieval Period