husniharb’s Profile

Active 10 years, 12 months ago
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My Courses

Transmission Systems

Transmission Systems

Introduction to the analysis of microwave communications and systems. Transmission line theory, the Smith chart and mathematical analysis are incorporated. Various transmission media such as twowire, twisted telephone wires, coaxial cable, waveguides, fiber and satellite are studied. Study of microwave components, Tee connectors, attenuators, slotted lines and cavities are included. Antenna design and radio-wave propagation are also covered (introduced). Concludes with a study of microwave applications and systems. Prerequisite: EET 2140; Pre- or corequisite: MAT 1475

Statistics with Probability

Statistics with Probability

A 3 credit but 4 hour introductory course. Topics include sample space, expectation and variance, binomial, Poisson, normal, student and chi-square distributions, confidence interval, hypothesis testing, correlation and regression. Students do 3 projects, 1 individual and 2 in groups and choose one of the group projects to present at the end of the semester. The extra classroom hour is designed to facilitate a hands-on feel to the course including a heavy use of MS Excel. Image courtesy of:

MAT 1372

MAT 1372

Probability and Statistics

My Projects

The Open Road

The Open Road

The Open Road is our place to highlight all that’s possible on the OpenLab. Join now to keep up on OpenLab news, events, and updates. Check our weekly In the Spotlight posts for a glimpse into the incredible work being done by City Tech students, faculty, and staff. Follow OpenLab News for announcements and site updates. And see our OpenLab Calendar for office hours, events, and workshops. You can find our workshop schedule and signup for workshops here as well. The Open Road is also a place for the OpenLab community (meaning you!). We would love your feedback, insight, and comments. Please send along anything on the OpenLab that you love! We are always available for any questions you might have. Email us anytime at!

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