humzh’s Profile

Active 4 years, 4 months ago
Display Name
Major Program of Study
Computer Systems Technology

My Courses

ENG2575 Technical Writing (D583), Spring 2020

ENG2575 Technical Writing (D583), Spring 2020

ENG 2575 is an advanced course in effective technical writing techniques, including traditional technical writing forms and World Wide Web communication. This course will have students use electronic media such as Internet, presentation, and graphics programs to communicate technical and scientific information to a variety of audiences via written and oral presentations. Students will also analyze readings in science and technology, study technical writing models, and practice collaborative research and presentation. Building on previous writing courses, this course will reinforce clarity of thinking and expression in effective and correct English.

ENG1121 E105 + E120 Composition II, Spring 2018

ENG1121 E105 + E120 Composition II, Spring 2018

English 1121: Composition II, Sections E105 and E120, Spring 2018, Instructed by Holly Melgard

Story-telling in Interactive Fiction Games – FYLC FA2017

Story-telling in Interactive Fiction Games – FYLC FA2017

This First Year Learning Community includes CST 1100 (Intro to Computer Systems), CST 1102 (Problem Solving with Computer Programming), and ENG 1101 (English Composition I), and is designed to leverage all three courses to produce an Interactive Fiction game prototype and a Game Design Document. It’s all about story-telling — characters, their world, and their interactions with that world in a non-linear narrative of our own creation.

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