A.Brito’s Profile

Active 6 years, 9 months ago
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Physical Geography, Geog 1101, Spring 2018

Physical Geography, Geog 1101, Spring 2018

Laura Pangallozzi, PhD
Social Science|GEOG1101|Spring 2018

A survey of key elements of physical geography presented in the context of human activity and its relation to the physical world. Topics include world surface features, climate and weather, the seas, and natural resources.

ENG1101 Composition: “Story-Telling in Action-Adventure and Role-Playing Games” Fall, 2015 Learning

ENG1101 Composition: “Story-Telling in Action-Adventure and Role-Playing Games” Fall, 2015 Learning

Mária Cipriani
English|ENG1101|Fall 2015

A course in effective essay writing and basic research techniques, including the use of the library, this course will allow students to create a sample game world, characters, and their interactions with their […]

ENG1121, D492, Spring 2016

Kara Hughes
English|ENG 1121|Spring 2016

In ENG1121, we will explore four writing tasks – summary, critical reading/critique, synthesis, and research. Our semester will be divided into six units of focused study: • unit 1: annotation, MLA citation, bes […]