gennady’s Profile

Active 12 years, 2 months ago
Display Name
Major Program of Study
Restorative Dentistry
Academic interests

Restorative Dentistry


my name is Gennady , i am 26 years old. I have an associate degree in libiral Arts from Kings-borough community college and some credits from Brooklyn college. so technically that is my third college that i am attending. The filed of Restorative Dentistry always was an interest for me. The concept of building teeth and helping people is very important to me.

My Courses

RESD Complete Dentures I

RESD Complete Dentures I

Complete Denture I is an introduction to basic techniques of full denture construction. This course will include anatomical terminology as it relates to full denture construction, fabricating of custom impression trays, constructing baseplates and occlusal rims, articulating casts, set-up of maxillary and mandibular opposing wax trial dentures using anatomical artificial teeth, festooning and contouring of full wax trial denture bases.

RESD 1115 Fixed Prosthodontics I

RESD 1115 Fixed Prosthodontics I

An introduction to the theory and practice of fabricating fixed prostheses including the construction of casts and dies, identifying margins, trimming, ditching, and articulation. Creation of provisional, composite resin and full metal coverage restorations including inlay/onlay, full anterior and posterior crown. Development of wax patterns for provisional restoration, as well as for full metal coverage, inlay and crown. Development of functional occlusal relationships, spruing, investing, burnout, casting, finishing and polishing of single unit restorations. This course is a hybrid/ partially online course with lecture part being held 50% online and 50% in class. This course meets the standards of a WI (Writing Intensive) course as specified by CUNY. NYCCT requires all associate degree students to pass two WI courses (one in the core curriculum and one in the major), and all baccalaureate degree students to pass four WI courses (two in the core curriculum and two in the major, with two of these passes prior to the completion of 45 credits).

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