gretchenvā€™s Profile

Active 11 years, 3 months ago
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My Courses

MAT 1175 ā€“ Fundamentals of Mathematics

MAT 1175 ā€“ FunĀ­daĀ­menĀ­tals of MathĀ­eĀ­matĀ­ics

TopĀ­ics inĀ­clude linĀ­ear and quaĀ­dratic funcĀ­tions, inĀ­terĀ­meĀ­diĀ­ate alĀ­geĀ­bra, plane geomĀ­eĀ­try and trigonomĀ­eĀ­try of the right triĀ­anĀ­gle.

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