Jose Gonzalez’s Profile

Active 7 years, 11 months ago
Jose Gonzalez
Display Name
Jose Gonzalez
Major Program of Study
Human Services
Academic interests

Cultural and Counseling Competence


B.S. Human Service graduate. Am presently working 2 blocks away at Chapel street for an non-profit helping ex-offenders achieve optimal living. Recently promtedto senior counselor, which I could not have accomplishhed without the great education from NYCCT and students.

My Courses



HUS 4801 provides students with a professionally supervised work experience in a human service agency. On campus weekly classroom seminars assess studentsā€™ progress towards learning objectives, explore studentā€™s concerns and professional practice issues. The development of responsible and appropriate problem solving techniques is emphasized. During the semester there is a shift away from direct practice to areas of supervision administration, needs assessment, elementary program evaluation and resource development.

My Projects

Stress/Anxiety Reducing Breathing Techniques

Stress/Anxiety Reducing Breathing Techniques

Am presently attending internship at Kingsbrook Jewish Medical Center (KMJC). My duties include light case management, interviewing, and counseling. The population consists of the elderly with congestive heart failure. I have noticed that many are in pain complicated by other ailments. Breathing techniques have proven to assist me in relaxing, as well as reduce my stress and anxiety. This semester I went through the process of being approved, at KJMC by my supervisor, to implement said breathing techniques. Will be implementing Stress/Anxiety Reducing Breathing Techniques at internship site in the spring of 2015.

My Clubs

Human Services Club

Human Services Club

The Human Service Club, is a great way to network, help others, be an activist, and gain experience in the human service field.