Geovany Flores’s Profile

Active 1 hours, 58 minutes ago
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ARCH2431.BT3 FA24

ARCH2431.BT3 FA24

Prof. Paul King
ARCH.2431|Fall 2024

Building Technology III

ENG 1121 Composition 2, Fall 2024, Section D533

Professor Sean Scanlan
ENG 1121|Fall 2024

English 1121 continues the work we began in English 1101. We will work on developing critical reading and writing skills as we write about works of literature. We will discuss three literary genres: non-fiction […]

ARCH 3512 SP 2024

ARCH 3512 SP 2024

Lia, Miguel Angel, Christian Bailey
ARCH 3512|Spring 2024

Adaptive Reuse Design Studio

Building Technology II ARCH2331, F2023

Alexander Aptekar
ARCH 2331|Fall 2023

Resources for Building Technology 2 This site contains Assignment Discussion Questions and answers. References, Articles, and Link on: construction technology, codes, AutoCAD and software tools.

ARCH2431.BT3 SP24

ARCH2431.BT3 SP24

Prof. Paul King
ARCH.2431|Spring 2024

Building Technology III

ARCH 1231 BTECH 1, SP2023

Robert Christo
ARCH 1231|Spring 2023

ARCH 1231 is an introduction to basic materials of construction and the fundamental principals of orthographic projection and architectural drafting. The coursework includes documenting existing conditions, […]

CT101 New Student Success Workshop, Winter 2022

CT101 New Student Success Workshop, Winter 2022

Denell Downum, Jessica DeCoux
CT101|Winter 2022

This workshop focuses on helping new students transition to college life, and specifically to City Tech. The workshop will enhance the New Student Connection with additional information, activities, and various […]



Dr. Lubie G. Alatriste
WKSHP_ENG_1101_ML|Winter 2022

Intersession workshop to help students achieve CUNY proficiency in reading and/or writing.