German Kolmakov’s Profile
Legislative Committee, College Council
The Legislative Committee of College Council needs a virtual space to share its work. We will eventually add a public site for the limited content that we want the college community to access.
- OpenOpen
This project serves as a platform of communications between physics lab instructors, CLTs, and students on lab activity related matters. Please feel free to report issues in the labs, initiate discussions, or make […]
- OpenOpen
This is an unofficial physics forum to provide a platform for sharing your thoughts. Please share your ideas or ask a question and the physics community will answer. Enjoy. Disclaimer: Everything here is […]
- OpenOpen
News, documentation, calendars related to the Physics Department of City Tech
- OpenOpen
Computational Science @ CityTech
The site contains information about research involving computational science at CityTech. It also contains information useful for those involved in computational science.
- OpenOpen
- OpenOpen
Undergraduate Student Research in Condensed Matter Physics
Nonlinear dynamics of Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs) of excitions and polaritons in semiconductors and graphene is considered
- OpenOpen