Giovanni’s Profile

Active 7 years, 5 months ago
1 to 9 (of 9)
Lab #8 Presidents Quiz

Lab #8 Presidents Quiz

In this app, it will cover: -Defining list variable for storing the questions and answers in lists. -Sequencing through a list using an index; each time the user clicks ”Next”, you’ll display the […]

Lab #7 Mole Mash

Lab #7 Mole Mash

For thr Mole Mash app, you’ll implement the following functionality: -A mole pops up at random location on the screen moving once every second. -When touching the mole, the phone will vibrate and the hits count […]

Lab #6 Paint Pot

Lab #6 Paint Pot

With the PaintPot app. you can: -Dip your finger into a virtual paint pot to draw in that color. -Drag your finger along the screen to draw a line. -Poke the screen to make dots. -Use a button to wipe the […]

Lab #5

Lab #5

Using app inventor, we must create an app where a picture of a cat appears and everything we click on the picture, it will make a ”meow” like a cat.

Lab #4 (part-2)

Lab #4 (part-2)

Write a function that takes a list of numbers and returns the cumulative sum. For example, the cumulative sume of [1 ,2, 3] is [1, 3, 6]. a_str = input(”Please enter your first number: ”) b_str = input(”Please […]

Lab #4

Lab #4

Write a function that makes a string as an argument and displays the letters backward, one per line. prefixes=”JKLMNOPQ” suffix=”ACK” for letter in prefixes: print(letter + suffix) the output […]

Lab # 2

Lab # 2

Write a program that asks the user to enter two integer numbers x and y. The program should perform the following operations and display the results back: 1- The sum x + y 2- The difference x – y 3- The p […]

Lab #1

Lab #1

The objective of this lab is to get familiar with Script mode. In script mode, when you type an expression on the program, the program will not display any value unless you tell it to.

Lab #0

Lab #0

The objective of this lab is to get familiar with using the program Python. title = ’this is a string’ index = 0 result = ’’ while index < len(title): letter = title[index] result = result + letter […]