fsilver’s Profile

Active 1 years, 5 months ago
1 to 3 (of 3)

ARCH 1101 Intro to Architecture Fall 2022

Lynn Gernert, AIA
ARCH 1101|Fall 2022

Introduction to Architecture provides a foundation for students entering the BArch / BTech program to develop a “visual literacy” on the built environment. By practicing the basic skills of sketching, dra […]

MAT1575 – Ganguli – Spring 2023

Suman Ganguli
MAT1575|Spring 2023

A continuation of Calculus I (MAT1475). Topics include integration (i.e. finding anti-derivatives and evaluating definite integrals) using integration by parts, trigonometric substitution, and the technique of […]

English 2001 Introduction to Fiction Spring 2023

English 2001 Introduction to Fiction Spring 2023

Rob Ostrom
ENG 2001|Spring 2023

This semester, we will explore the elements of fiction by reading (mostly) twentieth and twenty-first century American literature. Through an intensive study of selected short stories and a novel, using critical […]