Fairuz’s Profile

Active 4 months ago
1 to 5 (of 5)
Music Club

Music Club

The club is all about music. Many of us are hiding our talent behind. Just to be more familiar and to walk in again inside our dream and to fulfill it. Stop dreaming it show and do it in coward silently.

VR & AI Club

Liza Chiu, Dr. Zhou Zhang, Robinson, Z i n a, Angel Husain

The Virtual Reality & Artificial Intelligence (VR & AI) Club at NYCCT seeks to explore the interdisciplinary practices and applications involving Virtual Reality and Artificial Intelligence, including […]

City Tech Astronomy Club

Farrukh Zia

Sky is the limit. Explore the universe with Slooh.com online remote controlled telescopes located around the world. City Tech Astronomy Club members can use the 10+ Slooh telescopes to conduct and participate in […]

City Tech Robotics Club

City Tech Robotics Club

City Tech Robotics Club is a student association operated by City Tech undergraduate students under the guidance of faculty advisors from City Tech Robotics Research Lab. The club hosts various events and conducts […]

EXP Club (Inactive)

aberkoy, Joel Fargas

A space to build & playtest creative tech projects. Come make video games, immersive art, virtual worlds, VR/AR experiences, 3D models, and anything else you can think of — every Thursday from 1-2pm. All skill l […]