fahima hossain’s Profile

Active 5 years ago
fahima hossain
Display Name
fahima hossain

My Courses



This laboratory course is a co-requisite for General Chemistry – 1110. One three hour laboratory meeting per week and a total of 15 meetings per semester.

ENG 3407, Gothic Lit, Fall 2019

ENG 3407, Gothic Lit, Fall 2019

Students critically read, analyze, and write about the popular genre of the Gothic. As represented in both literary and visual terms, in both Europe and the United States beginning in the late-18th century to today. Key concepts include horror, haunting, madness, and monsters.

My Projects

Gothic Spaces Presentations: NYC And Beyond

Gothic Spaces Presentations: NYC And Beyond

Welcome to the Gothic Spaces Guide. Covering New York City and beyond, we have found all of the hidden gems for your creepy pleasure. Here you can meet Count Dracula, Mr. Hyde, Frankenstein’s creature, and all of the characters that arise in your nightmares. This site will map out some “Gothic” areas around town, around the world, and even in the spaces of video games, film and TV. Bring a friend or lover, O ye faint of heart! Enter at your own risk!

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fahima's Friends

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